Saturday, May 15, 2010

One Day At A Time

This is what I need to keep telling myself. Only one day at a time and I can make it.

So my next day off is....I DON'T KNOW! Pretty weird. All weekend was the salon, this next week is Jamba, and then back to the Salon. I actually am looking forward to it. It helps me plan out my week and I am able to not waste time. My highlight of this past week was getting a pedicure with my mom! That was so nice. Now my toes are cute and happy! And I get to go back next month with my mom and Oma.

Since I have started at the salon I have really formed a love for pets. I have never been a big pet person because they are a lot of work. I really want a little dog to carry with me everywhere. Once again, something I have NEVER wanted. I think my mom is warming up to this.

I need to continue to think positive. Something this week has happened that makes me want to cry. I keep stressing over it but I really need to take it as a lesson to learn from. I guess sometimes I am too harsh and need to watch what I say.

Now I get to bust out an essay for English. Oh and NOTE TO SELF: Start writing in personal journal.

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