Sunday, July 11, 2010

3 Subway Sandwiches, VW GTI, and my future.

First off, I ate THREE subway sandwiches this week. Not in one day of course! I have started this habit where when I see a movie in theaters I take subway. It is an amazing idea, I don't know why thought of it before. So Tuesday I saw Karate Kid with my brothers and a spicy Italian, Thursday I saw Eclipse and another spicy Italian, and on Saturday I forgot my lunch so Emma got me a BLT from subway. I need to be more adventurous when it comes to eating, not getting the same old thing. I think it is a good idea.

Second, I drove a VW GTI on Saturday!! Well, I didn't go joy riding, I just moved it from the front parking lot to the back parking lot. One of the groomers, Kristen, has the GTI and I told her before how much I love her car. Besides from talking Harry Potter and being sarcastic to each other we talk about her car. On Saturday she parked up front, which we technically are not allowed to do, she peeked over the gate and asked to watch out for her car so it wouldnt be towed. In return, I told her I was going to steal it and without hesitation she asked, "Well, wanna move it?" I of course PEED MY PANTS!!!! The groomers were laughing at me and joking I was going to be gone for awhile. I wasnt but man that baby drove like butter going down a hot frying pan. I loved loved loved it! Kristen threatened me because it is a very expensive car. My response? "I know! That is why I don't own one!!"

LASTLY (is lastly a word?!), registering for the new semester was 29 minutes ago and for the first time I got exactly everything I wanted and it wasnt so hard. Sure, the server went slow but I was so lucky. I am now starting on my major classes and I still cannot believe this will be my third year at BYU-Idaho. I wish I could say I have 2 years left but I think I will have to go over one semester. Hopefully, my mom won't freak out. So this is my Fall 2010 schedule....DRUM ROLL PLEASE....
Macro-Econ Principles and Problems: M, W, F 10:15-11:15am
Into to International Studies: M 12:45-1:45pm
Political Inquiry: M, W, F 11:30-12:30pm
Beginning Spanish 1: M, T, W, Th 4:30-5:30pm

That is 11 credits and I am adding one more class. I just have to wait for my summer classes to go through. Eeek. I am so excited for the fall!!

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